Have you ever had that feeling that the world needs to end, or at least your part in this whole plotted drama should come to an end! It is at these times that we find all the reasons to convince ourselves that the world is no longer a place to breath in. You are ready to believe the fact that there is a better or worse out there after we leave our mortal bodies.
Well the same thought has been clouding my mind for a long time now. I think I have so many people I have to be thankful to for I have so much love and kindness in my life. I have amazing set of parents(birth and by law), have love of my life with me, have a rewarding career and a warm home to go to. Then why this feeling of sudden detachment. I have to sometimes pull myself back from the emotion that I need to flee away.
One of the reasons which has recently put me off this track is the social customs and setup. Don't know why but lately this social hypocrisy is something which I am just not able to take any more. The social double game happening around is making me lose faith in the very human sense and I want to break free. Why this cynicism!!
I get a sense that the world is going in ruts. I know there will be a section of people who will say they knew this years before and also there will be a group of people who will swear on their lives that nothing bad is going to happen. They have faith in goodness winning over the bad, but who defines the 'good' and 'bad', the society we live in; well the sanity of which is itself in question here. Why this hopelessness!!
I think learned people gave away the essence of life when they said, do what your heart wants and don't worry about the consequences. Because doing what others want is not going to help you anyways. The people based on whom all your deeds are directed will never be happy and in ignoring what you want you are making the person inside you, 'YOU' deeply unhappy. And when 'YOU' lose hope, it is going to take lot of time to get back the trust in yourself. Why this bondage!!
Biggest truth about life is that all attachments in life bring unhappiness. It makes you a weak person who is always dependent on others to make you happy. It turns you into a clingy person who like a parasite wants to add happiness in ones life by hooking onto other people or idea. Why this setup for unhappiness!!
As a human we are bound to lay out a life for self, which has all the things which we want or aspire for. Meet someone in life whom you love or emotional and if your aspirations conflict, then why is there this silence. The same aspiration starts looking like a poison which can rot life of so many other people. The once achievable aspiration turns into an impossible dream. Why this guilt!!
Why are there so many contradictions in life, why can't we live a life where each day is a celebration and every moment is something you will die for. Live a life on your terms and conditions, trust me at the end of it you will have lesser questions to answer to self and little guilt; because in the end at least you can say I lived my life as I wanted to.
Why this feeling of sadness!!
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