Sumtimes i am just amazed at the creativity of so many people working in the IT field.
As I want down the corridor of my office I see the utmost creativity with which peple have decorated their cubicles(they call it office here as each guy gets a separate cubicle)...!! A walk the corridor is like a journey thru an exhibition...an interesting one indeed...probably the personal touch to it(nt done by professionals) makes it even more heart touching exciting...
One thing common across all offices is the snaps of their dear ones...their wife/husband, kids, sister...n sumtimes(bt rarely parents)..!! Sum of th snaps are so beautiful n lively that they simply make u a part of the moment in the snap...my fav s a kid holding a dog's ear with a peculiar expression on his face...i hv simply fallen in love with tht pic!!
some ppl even have plants...soft toys...then music systems...candy box...paintings made by them or their kids...small toys...cars...trophy...u just think of it n they r there...
one of my fav paintings rather a collage s of Gollum(Lord of the ring enthusiasts will identify in a sec). this collage s done beautifully... a raw pic of gollum is given aside. What amazes me is the finess with which the guy has done this collage.
Few ppl hv their creativity bent on a cuter side and sum are raw and as a matter of fact types...no doubt every office space is a reflection of the person who sits there...
After all this creative spree i come to my office...it looks so crude...so cold...there s absolutely no personal touch to it....how i wish i was as creative as other techies here...!! Or keeping in line with my thoughts before...am i crude..cold...!! I better start painting pics or taking snaps... :)
Good blog.....
Like the way you think.....
Keep blogging.....
You are creative, this blog is the testimonial of that fact :)
@blade - thanx...yupp i have churned more blogs...u r kind of missing from my web page...
@catch22 - thanx for saying that. I got a ganpati and hv kept it on my desk...ppl stare at it with awe..my office place s a hit now:-D
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