Sorry I am a new member to the "Janta" of bloggers...n so i am asking this elementary question...may b the veterans in this field would have an answer...bt "Why do people blog under anonymity??"
1. To have freedom to say whatever I want to say, well i already have....
2. I want to write whatever is there in my mind...well from whom do I want to hide the facts afterall.
3. People would form opinion if they get to knw what is happening in my mind, they would be shocked to know if they will realize that I can think in these terms...well who cares...
4. There is a thrill involved in saying things and others never identifying who said that....is it ??
4. Its a fad...well i agree to this...anonymity s always cool !!
I mean these are the possible reasons coming to my mind, but i have the possible reasons why these need not be the reasons...
well no offenses meant for the ppl who blog under anonymity...bt i m just inquisitive abt the rationale behind it...new kid in the block is just learning the rules of the trade... :)
anyone there to answer my queries....!!
Most of the times its the lack of courage. Low in self confidence to express oneself.
some reasons of anonimity are as follows:
1. a reason to express their creativity in terms of giving themselves an alternative name....and some of them are so very creative:)
2. reason to stay away from controversies which might stick arond if they say something unwanted...u know we are so good at digging at others flaws and making opinions...
you have more or less ellucidated the reasons for anon..so there's not much to say on that....:) u sound like a graduate on blogger world :) welcome to the haven:)
a small world where each one of us a are connected through the magic of expression....:)
happy blogging...
@catch22 - imagine wht expressed under anonymity becomes a rage...a fad...worth patenting...then what??
I knw i m exagerrating...bt just a thought... :)
@Dewaker - i really agree to the creativity aspect...thatz so true!
@ Ruler - Then he/she is the looser ;)
Bang on! Now you know why I blog under my name, proud to so too!
When we can't own up what we say, why say at all!
I tell you,you published your thoughts and I hadn't ...that was all.
I guess i do that 'cos it would be a tad stupid to change my name to something like "mstillive" . To sum up its not always anonimity people are looking for but another identity may be....thoughts??
P.S. And yeah i do run the risk of my family disowning me if i were to legally change my name to Reaper..but i do want to be addressed a Reaper sometime..he he he....
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