I hate whn ppl try n rite in all abbrevtns availble in ths cybr wrld..th sms lingo thy say... ;-)
I hate when ppl blog without wihtout editing what thet hv writn why shud i spend my precious, time reading a unedited blog...
I hate getting books as B'day gifts...
I hate incessant crying babies...
I hate love stories where the hero and/or heroine dies in end...
I hate to read articles/news stating that middle east fundamentalists think that Islam is in danger. A religion as beautiful as that cannt fade away.
I hate commercials...
I hate so called thrillers full of useless fight scenes...i hate jakie Chang !!
I hate waiting at airports...
I Hate when ppl cook odd combinations for food...there shud b sum symphony...
I hate over decorated homes...
I hate thinking what other ppl may hate...
I hate girls who try to immitate jennifer Aniston...
I hate girls who want to b tomboys...
I hate ppl who comment on everything...
I hate wet towels on bed...
I hate possing for snaps...what should i do with my hands and legs and head....
I hate ultra clean rooms...looks more like hotel rooms
I hate guys who are just trying to prove how smart they are....
I hate guys who dont knw how to cook...:-)
I hate to be normal all the time...
Phew Long hate list. Would like to see the I Like list soon :)
i knw a big list...n hate s too big word to use...i realized that later...
yupp th like/love list s on its way...its a really long list !!
Really long list? Am waiting with bated breath.;)
hey when's the love list coming?
dont forget to write icecreams ;)
u hate men who dont cook? ahem :)
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