Ask me how will I draw a Ganpati(mind u i m pathetic with paint n brush)...well just a round figure with a trunk like projection...yupp it’s as easy as that to depict Ganesh...no doubt he the most loved God !!
Ganpati adorns homes, offices, shops, wedding cards, every temple but of course. Synonyms of Ganpati are the most sought after name among parents for their children. Every study table, every office table has an idol or picture of Ganpati on it.
Is there any God which is so easy to draw..?? He is artist's delight...they have so many ways to depict the elephant God...
Ganpati is a rage especially among the youth, they worship Ganpati most..No doubt u have Ganpati idols as a part of the gift section of Archie’s Gallery. It is somebody’s B'day..letz gift him Ganpati, it brings good luck!! It is a Grihpravesh(house warming ceremony)....Ganpati has to be an apt gift! Somebody’s marriage/anniversary..lets gift Ganpati to wish them martial bliss..!!
I think the very deity figure Ganpati oozes out so much of warmth, optimism, positive energy, radiance and love that we just cant stop loving Him and believing in Him. His image where he has love for food is very infectious and makes him so affectionate.
According to Hindu Mythology He is the most loved among the clan of God's. He is pampered son of the Mighty Shiv and Parvati, who can destroy the world at the blink of his eye...!! He loves eating. He is married to Ridhi and Sidhi...which means prosperity and well-being. There are so many stories which talk about His power, innocence, love for his parents and his mischief !! One of the them ends up with the fact that he given a boon that whenever Hindus will worship any God, they have to worship Ganpati...no prayer is complete without remembering him...!!
Its a custom to take his name before starting any new work...its gives a feeling that Ganpati is watching and will undoubtedly give success in whatever task we take up..
Oh how can we end without mentioning abt his cute "savari"(vehicle)...they say that He always travel on a mouse. The very thought that Ganpati(someone of his size) on a small mouse is so heart warming... :)
Well why to talk about others...my favorite God is Ganpati and I love collecting Ganpati idols and receiving them as gift...I hope everybody is listening to this...becoz my b'day s just a fortnight way.. :-D !!
The pic on the right side of this says that Ganesh is symbol of so many virutes we mortals can cultivate in us and have sucess in every work that we take up. Quiet an informative and convincing picture, which makes us believe the reason why Ganpati looks like what has been depicted in mythology. Doesnt every God in Mythology gives us a lesson for our life...example Hanuman is symbolic to inner strength and devotion to a cause, it symbolises that we have powers within us, we just need sumone to make us realize that...
Disclaimer: I wish to refer mainly to whover worships and believe Ganesh and no offense meant for ppl who may take my remarks as offensive(though I don’t c any reason)
nice depiction ... well presented
nice informative post :-)
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