" I need you help immediately...i need to talk to you NOW !! ". I had to oblidge...Roopali was looking all stressed out...it makes u feel even more anxious when it is just 9 in the morning...we are suppose to look fresh and ready to take up the day..unless except the night before...
"I saw a terrible dream Rashmee..." Roopali shook my hand vigously, trying to grab my full attention by the strength of her grip!! "I always knew you were a dreamer..." i said jestingly...!! I cud see the hurt in her eyes n her grip tightened on my hand...n i gulped the pang of guilt!! Roopali knew that now she has got an attentive audience..n she continued...
"It was a horrible dream...i saw that i am packing my stuff...basically all my stuff...in that black bag of mine...suddenly i realized that 1 of my dark pink sphagetti is missing..."
"but u dont even have one, when did u buy, u never told me..." i so wanted to say to her, bt i preferred to b silent...
She paused for a sec, sensing my question...."n c i dont even have one.." I so wanted to smile..she is so cute, but i preferred to be silent...
" then suddenly i recall that the person i killed was wearing it, i have killed someone, and was so chill about it. I simply think that I should not worry about this muder, should not tell anyone and just go and buy one from market and i go out with my parents..."
"nothing wrong till now, except that Roopali killed sum1...", she shook my hand again..
" u knw the market was not regular blore market where i can buy spagetti tops, it was small creeky lanes kind of market, reminded me of the muslim area markets in muzzafarnagar n meerut(roopali has spent her childhood there)...it was stinking of human sweat and very conjested"
" and then we were caught in sum riot kind of thing, I could here sum shouts n in no time they were there in the place and everybody was running around..."
"me n my mummy try n hide in a empty space, it had only a gate...black with rods...i m trying to close it bt b4 i cud close it th guy comes near me. I clearly remember his face...he had beard n a typical muslim face for sure....he is carrying a basket with slippers, sandles n shoes... i was so scarred that i just closed my eyes!! He holds my hand tightly n asks me to give away my slippers n he wud let me go...."
"then what...", i asked her, i was amazed by the finner details which roopali was giving, she never talks and take things like dreams seriously...and for the first time i was little tensed for her...
"I dont remember i gv the slippers or not..." she quickly continued as if the more important stuff s coming..."bt al this while my dad was missing...me and my mom gets tensed...we start searching for him...just infront of the gate behind which we took shelter..i see a very fat guy...who liked like a rich seth sitting on a chair in galli ....he told me not to worry as he s there...n he wont leave till things are fine for the Ashram devotees and he gestures towards a very brightly lit area..."
"Cool so everything is fine..just that we hv to search uncle...", i thought!
"I m happy n start moving ahead, bt then i realized that we dont belong to baba's asram...we r looking for my dad n at the end of the galli, he s sittling and eating rice...n saying that it s all muslims who have done this...me n my mom ask him to get up and come with us as we want to leave...i may miss my flight!! Bt he s busy playing with th rice n next to the place is aasram, its so bright place...i thought i shud go there...bt turn my head the other way... "
"Thats it rashmee....i m so disturbed by this dream...i want to know why i saw such weird dream...i seldom see dreams, n with such minute details, never...does it symbolize anything..?" she had tears in her eyes, i felt bad for her... bt then i need to make her feel better...."hey dreams doesnt symbolize anything...in that case i usually dream that I have become Superman...can u beleive that I dream of becoming a man..."...Roopali looked at me disapprovingly, her big tear filled eyes identifying my attempt to make her smile, first time for the day, she smiled...I lovingly gave my frnd a hug....she didnt look convinced bt yaa was definitely at more ease with her dream...
"You knw the best thing about my dream was...", i gestured a question, "...i was looking slimmer..." and we both laughed...

Later in the day I was wondering, do dreams really mean something...is Roopali's dream prophecy of an impending danger to her or her family?
The black gate, killing sum1, suitcase, slippers in basket, the bearded guy, the fat man, bright lit ashram, her dad playing with rice, she in anxiety of not missing the flight, n every1 safe in the end...does everything symbolizes sum indication of past, present or future...hope sumbody could help me...
You can assure ur friend roopali that this dream means nothing. Was she stressed out or sumthing the day before? Its jus the concoctions of the mind. Ask her what she was thiking before she went to sleep was she depressed or anything? Because mostly what u think jus before u drift to sleep has a lot of impact on ur dreams. But one thing that amazes me is the finer details. At times it can happen but yeah very rare all thro my 23 yrs of life probably there are jus 2 or may be 3 dreams where I remember so many details. Depends on in which sleep cycle the dream appeared.
Even i only remember bits and pieces of dreams i have had except for the ones after which i woke up....
I guess none of our dreams mean much , do they?
@catch22 and blade - well i agree to what u ppl r saying tht dreams dont say anything..bt checked on websites, dream interpretation is a science in itself..!! And why not if they say that mind is all powerful, if ur mind can think sumthing, it can happen...!! in that case what r intutions, sixth sense, sumtimes our heart(which s actually our mind) says that sumthing might happens and it does..."Didnt i tell u, my instincts said tht.." is such a common phrase we use !!
when i was a kid i always use to dream that our house has been invaded by aliens, they use to hv space crafts made of brick which used to land rt their on my roof...bt it never happened!!
Bt there hv been so many places i hv seen in dreams and later i saw them in life...
Well i feel there r problems enough in life n we need nt dwell into dreams too :)
bt i feel for sure that dreams convey sumthing(can b present state of mind)...mind s vast n very powerful..too complicated for us to be understood..wudnt it great if we can have sum1 who can interpret our dreams !!
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