Friday, October 28, 2016

Fast Metabolism Diet - Round 2 Day 8(W2) - P1

Snack 1
3 Oranges

2 egg whites

Veg Curry + baby Oranges

Snack 2

Nothing substantial

Walk around the block for trick and treating

Additional Notes -
So as you can see not a very perfect day of FMD. I almost didn't have my  breakfast as I left it at home. Dinner was nothing as I got stuffed by eating some of the Diwali snacks and a  crunch chocolate from my daughter's Halloween trick and treat stack.

But tomorrow is a new day and I know I can do better. Not feeling so upbeat in last few days. But at least I got a full 8 hour sleep yesterday.

Fast Metabolism Diet - Round 2 Day 6 and Day 7(W1) - P3

These two days were bit of a haze for me. In between the prep for Diwali I do not think I had a proper meal prep and food. In short I took a break from Fast Metabolism Diet this weekend. I did eat some sweets and also some Pizza. I had given myself this weekend for no guilt indulgence. No regrets !!

Fast Metabolism Diet - Round 2 Day 4(W1) - P2

I think things are getting better in terms of the anxiety I used to feel for this way of eating. I am less anxious and more comfortable in terms of what is expected. But I still feel I need to take my diet up a notch in terms of types of food and vegetables I eat, I need to mix things up a little bit.

Snack 1
Egg whites(3) + 1 1/2 lemon juice with some Stevia

Broccoli and onion and bell pepper omelet(3 egg whites)
Yesterday I cribbed about my breakfast so much that today my husband volunteered to cook for me, he made the omelet. 
Update after lunch - I am impressed he did a very good job in cooking this, I might have to learn how to make it.

The way it tasted yesterday I was so sure to cook something new for me today; but laziness always wins and I got the leftovers from yesterday. Added some broccoli and Bell pepper in hope that it will make the taste of Balsamic Vinegar more tolerable. I think this dish would have tasted better if I wont have put so much of balsamic vinegar.

Snack 2
2 cucumbers + 3 egg whites

Tofu + Broccoli + lemon water

Total Body Chisel

Additional Notes -
Today was such a day I chose to not eat food than to eat egg whites. So for dinner had to cook up some tofu. 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Fast Metabolism Diet - Round 2 Day 3(W1) - P2

The dreadful phase, but according to Hailey one of the most important phase of FMD(Well not actually as every phase has its own importance and function in mending the metabolism).

So biggest issue that happened here is my lack of prep, I planned that I will put my daughter to bed and then do some cooking and prep for day 3, but, yes as usual slept with her. So had to spend few hours in the morning to cook my breakfast and lunch. That is actually the biggest problem of this diet, so much of cooking and prep and yet another bigger problem of this phase(2) is that most of the stuff has to be cooked fresh or else you(or at least I) you will not be able to keep it down. Egg whites and that too reheated in oven, can taste like eating rubber band. Actually none of the phase 1 and 2 foods taste good after reheating!!

Snack 1
Egg whites(3) + 1 1/2 lemon juice with some Stevia

Broccoli and Leek omelet(3 egg whites)
Post Breakfast - I think i will give up eating. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE eating, but if I have to eat this again I might actually just skip eating. It was not good, I had to force myself to eat it. I ate one mouth full followed by seltzer to push it down!!

I am going the vegan way for lunch, yes would be eating Tofu; I didn't feel like eating Edamame salad today, so whipped up some broccoli, mushroom, onion, red bell pepper and baked Tofu. I have some left overs for lunch tomorrow(yaay!!)
Post Lunch update - this was yucky actually worse than the breakfast. Some of the recipe in book look and sound so good till you try them and they come out absolutely disgusting. That actually inspires me to do a post on my favorite and hated recipe from this diet.

Snack 2
2 cucumbers
After the scrumptious lunch I don't think I will be hungry for a long time. Anyways will try to eat the twin cucumber I got as a snack and a bottle of chorophyll water.

I ate three egg whites for dinner. Didnt feel like eating. I did however cheat a little bit as I ate few spoonfuls from my daughter's pasta. Well anything to keep in sane. I also had lemon water of 2 lemons. 

Hammer power - This is a tough one with lots of weight lifting. I could have done better in terms of lifting weight, may be tomorrow.

Additional Notes -
My challenge today was timing, I didn't eat every two hours, need to be better on that tomorrow. I did skip meals today and my timing was all haywire. But how can i eat when I do not want to eat. This phase actually make me run away from food. just one more day to go!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Fast Metabolism Diet - Round 2 Day 2(W1) - P1

Day has started well, but man I am so tired, i think i should try to do exercise in the morning so that i get some energy when I am in office. Everyday I wake up with a thought that I should take off that day, just call in sick but then push myself to go one more day and then take off tomorrow. 

I will have to do something about how to get a more restful sleep. This diet is a lot about relieving stress and anxiety; however these two are so intertwined in my life, that the results might be getting impacted. Anyways, I am trying my best, it may not be my best, but I am trying my best!! I am not throwing in the towel and giving up, I am in the arena, fighting, getting dirty, tears pouring down my face..but daring greatly!!

Now that I have made a ruthless reference of Theodore Rossevelt's 'Man in the Arena' speech, I need to put the real version here - 

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. 


Snack 1

Vegetable curry + brown rice + clementines

Snack 2

Vegetable curry + brown rice

Jillian Michael's Level 1

Additional Notes -
Almost had a hunger attack, thankfully my daughter had some veggies left in her lunchbox and i ate them as I picked her from school. But had been feeling leaner today. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Fast Metabolism Diet - Round 2 Day 1(W1) - P1

Actually for round 2 this food log is kind of repetitive as I am already capturing the time of day and meal in the 'Fast Metabolism App'. It also lists the time when i should be eating, which is good. I will see how it goes, if I feel bored writing same things here I might discontinue. But till now I am thinking that app is my plan and this is the status report, as I always finalize the blog past the day after my diet.

I was not very prepared for the day 1 of Phase 1 as I had decided to take a week off. But the way i felt yesterday I was like no way I want to feel this way, I might feel restricted with on FMD but never bloated. The lunch and dinner both have very little oil in it, but I have plans to cook very phase specific food for tomorrow.


Snack 1

Butternut squash soup + brown rice+ lentils+ Mango

Snack 2

This was tricky, my stomach has not yet settled down after weekend eating, so my eating is very haphazard. I ate few popcorns after coming back from office(I know I should probably not eat corn on this diet, but these are non GMO and organic stuff), then i was not hungry at all during dinner time, so I decided to skip my dinner. But close to bedtime i was hungry again, so I ate 'Cinnamon swirl' bread, yes I broke the rule. Tomorrow s a new day and I am going to make myself so proud!! 

Jillian Michael's Level 2

Additional Notes -
I am feeling lethargic now a days, could be seasonal, but I am so freaking tired, even after a 8 hour sleep my eyes hurt as if I have pulled a all nighter. One main reason to start this diet was to have more energy, where is it!! 

Finished 'How to lose a guy in 10 days' yesterday; it is a very sweet movie.I was kind of depressed after watching it, thinking will I be every so happy like that. All wise souls say happiness is an inside job and boy they are so true. Fake it till you make it..I think I want to try this, but then laziness and dullness is also a habit and looks like I have it in me in full swing.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Fast Metabolism Diet - Day 27 and Day 28(W4)

So I started the weekend with the new enthusiasm of having lost around 8 pounds(SW-146, CW-138 pounds). As you might know i decided to take a break of one week before starting the second round. But the sequence of events over the weekend made me realized how better this diet makes me feel health wise, so even though I was not fully prepared for round 2, I decided to start round 2 from 10/24.

Also, i bought the Fast Metabolism diet app. It was 3$ and read in few blogs that it is worth it. Liking it so far.

Saturday -
Veggie omelet+Brown Rice Tortilla

Sunday -
Veggie omelet+Brown Rice Tortilla

Snack 1
I usually had random stacks, nothing consistent

Brown Rice tortilla+hummus+ veggies

Sunday -
Lentils+ rice+okra curry (all cooked in Olive oil)

Snack 2
I usually had random stacks, nothing consistent

We went to a friends place and ate Naan(made from all purpose flour) and though it tasted so well, i think it created havoc in my digestion. Had some deep fried vegetable pakora(dipped in chickpea flour)

Sunday -
Was not feeling like eating anything, was super bloated, but eventually ended up eating hummus with a toast(cinnamon swirl)

Saturday I did Byron Kest power yoga for toning. I love his yoga videos, just they are 1 hour long and finding the one hour of time that too with empty stomach is very challenging for me. Hence no exercise on Sunday.

Additional Notes
I want to add that on Sunday I had tea with Sugar and few more things which probably I should be having on this diet. In retrospect it was good because eating all that made me feel sick and bloated and made me realize that I do not need to take a week's break and decided to start my round two on 10/24. I am not fully prepared in terms of prep for Phase1 and I have made a lot of butternut squash soup and I think if I wont eat it, it might go waste.

What I learned over weekend bloating and stuffiness - Eating healthy is not a punishment, it is a privilege and necessity!!!

Fast Metabolism Diet - Day 26(W4) - P3 - I broke the 130 pound plateau!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is final Phase of FMD round 1, P3. And today i just thought of weighing myself and guess what i weighed 138.4 pounds(imagine me doing a happy dance here). My main aim of doing this diet was to go below 140 weight range and today I achieved it, i think my efforts of last 25 days did pay off eventually. I was struggling with 140 weight for last few years and no matter now much exercise I was doing I was just not going below 140; is a day to celebrate for me(with a bottle of water of course :-) )

Oatmeal(1/2 cup cooked)+cashew and coconuts(1/4 cup)+half tsp almond butter; one persian cucumber.

Just to add that there is nothing more comforting than a bowl of hot oatmeal, warm and feeds your soul !!

Snack 1
1/4 cup almonds(slightly dry roasted)

1 brown rice tortilla+1 egg whole egg cooked in olive oil with red onion+ red pepper+ arugula

Snack 2
Hummus + veggies 

Egg plant curry cooked in olive oil + brown rice tortilla

Yoga Extreme 

Additional Notes -
I am happy with the results so far!!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Fast Metabolism Diet - Day 25(W4) - P2

Again the day started with phase 2 snack; I also drank juice of one lime. I like the taste of Lime with Egg; only way I can shove those egg whites down my throat. 

Snack 1
3 boiled Eggs

Mushroom, Broccoli and Red onion egg white omelet

Edamame confetti salad

Snack 2
3 boiled eggs

Three pepper Egg white souffle + Lime Juice


Additional Notes -
It is funny how just one thing can sometimes make you get through the day of eating at Phase 2; for me it is Lime juice; I add some Stevia and salt in it and I really seem to enjoy it. It is phase approved. So excited for phase 3 tomorrow, already dreaming about cooked food, the warmth of food. I know I cook my food in this phase too, but i realized the importance of fat in your diet after doing this diet. It is really comforting to the body.

Also, I think I should be more positive during phase 1 and 2 because ideally your body is suppose to provide stored fat for fuel as we are giving all nutrients but fat; but if I am winning and not enjoying this my body might just not agree to give away that fat. It all starts in your head and body follows. So today I have decided to be happy about what I am eating and every time I eat i will think how I am tricking/convincing my body to lose fat(add a side wink *-) )

All is good!!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Decadent Cacao Cake - Phase 1 and 3

Phase 1 and Phase 3 | Makes 16 pieces | Prep Time: 5 minutes | Total Time: 25 minutes


3 whole eggs (Phase 3) or 6 egg whites (Phase 1)
2 teaspoon vanilla
1/3 cup raw cacao powder
½ cup xylitol
1 ½ teaspoon baking powder
1 cup Fast Metabolism All Purpose Baking Mix


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F

In a medium sized bowl, whisk eggs together with vanilla, xylitol, and cacao until well mixed. In a separate medium sized bowl, whisk the baking powder into the Baking Mix. Add the dry ingredients to the egg mixture and stir until blended.

Spoon into an 8” x 8” nonstick baking pan (or line a pan with parchment paper). Bake 18-20 minutes. Check with a toothpick for doneness.

For Phase 1: 8 pieces is a grain and protein portion. For Phase 3: 4 pieces are a grain portion.

White Bean wrap - Phase 1
Phase 1| Serves 4
Prep time: 10 minutes | Total time: 10 minutes


2 cups canned cannellini beans, drained
2 small tomatoes, diced
1/2 cucumber, diced
3 or 4 fresh basil leaves, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1 lemon, juiced
Sea salt and pepper to taste
4 brown rice, spelt, or sprouted-grain tortillas


Place half of the beans in a medium bowl; mash gently with a potato masher or the back of a fork. Stir in the remaining whole beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, basil, garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Spread the mixture on the tortillas and roll up.

Vegetable Curry - Phase 1

Taken from Hailey's website -
Phase 1 | Serves 4
Prep time: 10 minutes | Total time: 4 to 6 hours (slow cooker)


4 sweet potatoes, diced
1 onion, diced
1 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped
1 cup diced carrots
1 cup green beans
1 cup broccoli florets
1 15-ounce can garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
2 large tomatoes, chopped
1 6-ounce can tomato paste
2 teaspoons curry powder
½ teaspoon minced garlic
½ teaspoon sea salt
3 cups cooked brown rice or spelt pasta


Put all ingredients except the pasta into a slow cooker or Crock-Pot with ¾ cup water, stir, and cook for 4 to 6 hours on high or 6 to 8 hours on low. Serve with the pasta.

Sweet Potato Shepherd’s Pie - Phase 1

Again receipe is from Hailey's website -


1 cup dry lentils
3 large or 4 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped into 3/4-inch cubes
1/2 cup unsweetened rice milk
2 large onions, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
5 carrots, peeled and chopped
2 cups fresh green beans, trimmed, cut into 1-inch pieces
1/4 cup organic vegetable broth
1 tsp. dried thyme
2 tsp tamari
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp pepper


Preheat oven to 400 degrees

In a medium saucepan, combine the lentils with 2 cups water. Bring to a boil over high heat and immediately reduce the heat and simmer on low for 15 minutes. When cooked, remove from the heat and cover to keep warm.

Meanwhile, bring 4 quarts of water to boil in a large pot. Add the sweet potatoes and boil for 10 minutes, or until tender. While the lentils and potatoes are cooking, saute the carrots, onions and garlic in a large skillet with 1/4 cup vegetable broth. When the carrots begin to soften, add the green beans and cook for about 5 minutes more. Add the cooked lentils, thyme, tamari, salt and pepper. Stir well to combine.

Pour the lentil mixture into a large, 10-cup casserole dish. Drain and mash the potatoes with 1/2 cup rice milk. Top the lentils with the mashed potatoes and bake for 30 minutes.

You can adapt this recipe for Phase 3 by cooking the veggies in 3 or 4 tablespoons of olive oil, and by adding coconut milk to the mashed sweet potatoes. Meat eaters can also substitute 1 pound lean ground beef for the lentils

Phase 2 recipe - Chocolate mug cake - Update

Update - yes it was the first thing i did as i reached came out so yucky that I couldn't eat it. Wont try it again.

Can you F$%^&&* believe it, a chocolate mug cake for phase 2, my life just got a tiny bit heavenly. I have never been so excited about food in my life. Sitting here in office all i think about is when i am going to go home and whip this baby for myself.

I took the recipe from Haylie Pomroy's blog -


1 egg white
1 1/2 tablespoons raw cacao powder
1 1/2 tablespoons birch xylitol
4 drops of vanilla
dash of sea salt


Add egg white to mug and whip really well, add in cacao, xylitol, vanilla
MICROWAVE for 45 to 60 seconds on 50% power
Top with dash of sea salt

Note: Mixing all ingredient into a blender bottle then pouring into a mug works really well too

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Fast Metabolism Diet - Day 24(W4) - P2

As always my phase 2 starts with snack; it is very easy to boil up 3 eggs and eat them up when I am preparing my daughter for school.

Snack 1
3 boiled Eggs

Mushroom, Broccoli and Red onion egg white omelet

Edamame confetti salad

Snack 2
3 boiled eggs

Three pepper Egg white souffle 


ISO Hammer conditioning

Additional Notes -
Ok things were really tough today, and I am not exagerating they were! I was so ready to eat something cooked, nice and warm with some comfort to it, something like naan and Curry; but I knew it is the last week and if I break the diet I will not feel good. Just holding on to that thought I was able to get through the evening. At night though i did eat some pretzel thins; I know I voilated but anything to not wreck things up completely and don't forget I have one more day of Phase 2 to go tomorrow. 

Also, earlier I thought I will stat the round 2 of FMD immediately after Sunday; but yesterday I decided that I would need a break; May be a week in there and I will start the second round. Now this might change once I start phase 3; but this is what I have thought of for now. 

Fast Metabolism Diet - Day 23(W4) - P1


Snack 1

Veg Chilli + sprouted grain tortilla

Snack 2
Baked Apple

Veg Chilli + wild Rice

T25 Speed 2.0

Additional Notes -
Been a normal day, tried to fit in the cardio, was tough but once I started Play I got it done. Phase 2 next 2 days, and that requires lot of prep if not cooking. Every time I start phase 2 i think I can probably eat Tofu to kind of break the monotonous egg white food; but then I try to stick to Hailey Pomroy's suggestion to stay away from Soy. Also got some clarification from the website, i can take CLA during phase 1 and 2 as well; hence took the supplement today. It is suppose to catalyze the visceral fat burn.

Fast Metabolism Diet - Day 22(W4) - P1


Snack 1

Veg Chilli + sprouted grain tortilla + Pear

Snack 2

Veg Chilli + wild Rice

T25 Speed 1.0

Additional Notes -
It was a good day in terms of diet and exercise; I didn't eat anything out of my diet; even a bite of it. I think I am gradually settling into this new lifestyle and though sometimes I miss my usual cup of tea in morning I always feel the pay-off I this lifestyle is way more than a cup of sweet chai. I feel lighter and healthier and that is the best feeling in the world! 

Golden Milk - Phase 3 recipe

I got this recipe from Dr. Mercola's website and all credit goes to him for publishing is the link -

But for my reference I want to make a copy of it here on my page -

Golden Paste11
  • 1/2 cup organic turmeric powder
  • 1 cup water
  • 1.5 teaspoons black pepper
  • 5 tablespoons virgin coconut oil
  1. In a stainless steel pot, cook the water, turmeric, and black pepper until it forms a thick paste, stirring and cooking for about 7 to 10 minutes.
  2. Remove from heat and add virgin coconut oil, using a whisk to fully mix in the coconut oil.
  3. Transfer the Golden Paste into a glass jar with a lid, and store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
  4. You will use this paste to make your Golden Milk below.

Golden Milk13
  • 1 teaspoon Golden Paste
  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • 1/8 teaspoon vanilla (optional)
  • Raw honey [or stevia] to taste (optional)
  • Pinch cinnamon (optional)
  1. In a stainless steel pot, gently heat, but do not boil, 2 cups of milk with 1 teaspoon of golden paste.
  2. A whisk is helpful to fully mix the paste into the milk.
  3. Add optional vanilla, honey [or stevia], and/or cinnamon.

Golden Milk with Ginger15
  • 1 inch-long stick of turmeric
  • Peppercorns (white)
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1 inch-long piece of ginger
  • Raw honey or stevia (optional)
  • ½ teaspoon ghee (optional, for sore throat or cough)
  1. Take an inch-long stick of turmeric… and crush it coarsely using a mortar and pestle.
  2. Crush a few peppercorns too. The white variety is better.
  3. Mix a cup of water with a cup of coconut milk, add the crushed turmeric, pepper, and a 1-inch (by 1/2 inch diameter) piece of ginger, and bring to a boil.
  4. Simmer for 20 minutes. By this time, the milk will reduce to a cup. This is the reason why you begin with a mixture of milk and water; otherwise you will end up with a very thick drink that won't be as soothing.
  5. Remove from the stove, filter, add a spoonful of honey or stevia (optional), and enjoy the drink warm.
  6. If you are taking this to relieve a sore throat, add 1/2 teaspoon of ghee to the hot turmeric milk before drinking it. The ghee will melt and coat your throat, relieving you of cough as well.