Friday, October 21, 2016

Fast Metabolism Diet - Day 25(W4) - P2

Again the day started with phase 2 snack; I also drank juice of one lime. I like the taste of Lime with Egg; only way I can shove those egg whites down my throat. 

Snack 1
3 boiled Eggs

Mushroom, Broccoli and Red onion egg white omelet

Edamame confetti salad

Snack 2
3 boiled eggs

Three pepper Egg white souffle + Lime Juice


Additional Notes -
It is funny how just one thing can sometimes make you get through the day of eating at Phase 2; for me it is Lime juice; I add some Stevia and salt in it and I really seem to enjoy it. It is phase approved. So excited for phase 3 tomorrow, already dreaming about cooked food, the warmth of food. I know I cook my food in this phase too, but i realized the importance of fat in your diet after doing this diet. It is really comforting to the body.

Also, I think I should be more positive during phase 1 and 2 because ideally your body is suppose to provide stored fat for fuel as we are giving all nutrients but fat; but if I am winning and not enjoying this my body might just not agree to give away that fat. It all starts in your head and body follows. So today I have decided to be happy about what I am eating and every time I eat i will think how I am tricking/convincing my body to lose fat(add a side wink *-) )

All is good!!

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